KILL THE IRISHMAN " Ray Stevenson Vincent D’Onofrio Christopher Walken Val Kilmer Paul Sorvino Marcus Thomas Fionna Flanagan Linda Cardellini Laura Ramsey Jason Butler Harner Robert Davi Steven R. Schirripa Bob Gunton Mike Starr Vinny Vella Tony LoBianco...
“Americans” is a short, public service film starring ‘Sean Penn’ and Kid Rock, directed by Jameson Stafford. The goal of the film is to tear down the one-dimensional political stereotypes portrayed by the media by confronting them head on. It...
Synopsis Story takes place during the MLB strike of 1994 when the nation turned its eyes to the sport of wiffleball. We follow the the pursuit of Ted Whitfield as he tries to break the homerun and his subsequent battles with substance...
Synopsis An aspiring actor whose career is in the dumps, exploits his amazing bowling skills to take the PBA by storm and becomes rich and famous, only to lose his best girl and best...